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✓ Over 30 hours of video content
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'How do you know the healing is working? When you can breathe normally and think calmly during moments that used to make you feel tension.'

-Yung Pueblo


  • Each class is guided and designed for all levels. There are some introductory classes you are welcome to begin with, to ease you into the practice.

  • Studies have shown that a regular meditative practice can have remarkable effects mentally, physically and emotionally. It promotes wellbeing, regulates the nervous system and reduces stress.

  • Breathwork is safe and so beneficial if you are pregnant. Propping yourself up is advised and long breath holds should be avoided. Choose the videos that are specifically for pregnancy if you are new to the practice.

  • You can choose to sit or lay down for most of the sessions. You can choose to sit on the floor, on a cushion, lying on a mat with a bolster and propped up with a head cushion, or even lie on your bed. Wherever is most comfortable for you.

  • Prana & Co offer a month by month membership with no lock in contracts. You can cancel at any time if you are no longer using the platform.